Men’s Shorts: Dope Couture Miniposter Camo Shorts,Shorts for Men

Product DescriptionDope Couture Miniposter Camo Shorts,Shorts for Men: Limited to 75 pieces each. To designate hotel luggage labels Gaston-Louis Vuitton proposed the name mini-poster in his Voyage iconographique autour de ma Malle published in 1920. He defined a mini-poster as a small printed poster that hotels stick on their customers luggage for advertising purposes. The stickers served as a way for the luggage owners to be reminded of their travels and to indicate to others where to stay when traveling to specific destinations. Like an actual advertising travel poster it inspires the desire to travel - to visit the hotel and/or the country. We took these original hotel luggage labels published in the Voyage iconographique aut. . .
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